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If you don’t see or know your exact model number, simply click on any model number that is similar to your own product.
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Please check if you filled in the correct model number. The model number consists out of letters followed by numbers (e.g. RQ1250, HD7870).
In case the model number does not offer any results, we would like to advise you to reach out to our contact center.
We found {number} products that are available outside your country, so local promotions may not apply.
Found {number} products
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This product is not available in your country, but we found one in another country
Please select your model based on the last 2 digits of your product number shown in blue.
Found your model!
If this is the correct one, please select it below. Otherwise, search again.
Now you’ve found the model number, you can register your product here.
The code on your handle is linked to a range of Sonicare Toothbrushes. Select the product that matches the one you have from the search results below.
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