Philips Support

How to setup WAS700 to connect to WAC7000 in Infrastructure Mode?

Published on 2017-08-24

If you have a WAC700 Center, use WAC700 to config the WAS700 SSID and WEP to that of the wireless router. 1) Setup both the WAC700 and WAS700 in the present wireless router network (infrastructure). This will setup the WAS700 to have the existing network SSID and WEP. 2) Use the WAC7000 to activate station management and add station. 3) Set the WAS700 to installation mode. 4) Allow connection to take place and they should be connected. Please be sure to restart the router, center and stations after setup. If you do not have a WAC700 Center, set the Static address on WAC7000 manually. 1) On WAC7000: Press Menu -> Search Network -> Select SSID -> Select Static IP -> Apply Settings -> Yes. You need to know your Router Static address and key into Center. 2) Use the WAC7000 to activate station management and add station. 3) Set the WAS700 to installation mode. 4) Allow connection to take place and they should be connected. WAS700 cannot connect to WAC7000 when it is set to auto IP(DHCP). You must restart the router, center and stations after setup.

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