Philips Support

Why do I have to shake the food in my Philips Airfryer?

Published on 12 December 2023
Shaking the food in your Philips Airfryer's basket ensures that air will circulate around it when it is stacked in more than one layer. This way, you can also check the colour and cooking progress of the ingredients to reach a more even cooking result.

Which ingredients do I need to shake and how often?

All ingredients that are air-fried in more than one layer need to be shaken (stirred or turned) during cooking to ensure even cooking results. 

Some examples of types of food that we recommend shaking:
  • chips
  • potato-based snacks
  • chicken nuggets
  • chicken wings

Please note
  • Fragile food should not be air-fried in more than one layer, as shaking will damage it.
  • When the basket is filled with the maximum recommended filling quantity for frozen chips, please shake it 3 to 4 times minimum so that all the food is cooked evenly.
  • The more food you have placed in the Airfryer, the more often you should shake it.

How do I shake the ingredients?

To shake the ingredients, remove the basket from the appliance (and/or the pan if available) and shake the basket over the sink. Then put the basket into the pan and slide them both back into the appliance.

Make sure that your food is mixed well during shaking - lower layers should come on top and vice versa - so that you will achieve even results.
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Shaking reminder HD9285, HD9860-HD9867, HD9875, HD9880, NA350, NA351 and NA352 only

The information below applies only to models HD9285, HD9860-HD9867, HD9875, HD9880, NA350, NA351 and NA352.

When cooking with the default preset settings, auto-cook programs or Smart Chef programs (depending on your Airfryer model), some Airfryer models will notify you with a beeping sound when you need to shake the food. You can find more information on this feature in your User Manual, which is also available to view and download at You can find the model number of your Airfryer on the sticker on the bottom of your appliance.

Did the above solutions help solve the issue? If not, please contact us for further assistance.

The information on this page applies to the following models: NA352/00 , HD9285/90 , HD9880/90 , HD9875/90 , HD9200/21 , HD9953/00 , HD9955/00 , HD9954/01 , HD9218/51 , HD9742/93 , HD9721/21 , HD9950/01 , HD9952/01 , HD9951/01 , HD9630/21 , HD9216/81 , HD9940/00 , HD9620/01 , HD9621/11 , HD9230/50 , HD9240/30 , HD9240/90 , HD9905/00 , HD9904/00 , HD9925/00 , HD9220/20 , HD9220/40 . Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers

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