What is the best electric toothbrush?


Good oral hygiene is one of the most important ways we can take care of our bodies, and a quality electric toothbrush is the easiest and most efficient way to maintain healthy teeth and gums.


The reason electric toothbrushes are better for your teeth when comparing an electric toothbrush vs a manual toothbrush is because of the precise movements an electric toothbrush can deliver. This is paired with specially designed and arranged bristles to make the most of the brush’s movement. Brushing by hand is a lot less exact and a lot more likely to leave some food and plaque behind.


While electric toothbrushes are superior overall, some electric toothbrushes can target different areas of oral health. So when you’re wondering what the best electric toothbrush is for you, it’s important to keep in mind what you’re prioritising.

Choosing the best electric toothbrush for plaque removal


Plaque build up is the number one enemy of oral hygiene. Throughout the day (between brushing and while you eat and drink), plaque builds up on and between your teeth. This can lead to tartar, cavities, and gum disease, so removing any plaque is vitally important.


You should prioritise plaque removal if:

  • You notice plaque build-up along your gum line
  • Your teeth feel rough
  • Your dental professional sees signs of cavities 


To treat the problem, Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes deliver up to 62,000 brush movements a minute to brush away plaque. (An average month’s worth of brushing, delivered in two minutes.) The powerful, sonic movements agitate your toothpaste into microbubbles and gently drive it deeper between the teeth and along the gumline to get into every nook and cranny of your mouth, without causing stress or pain.

Electric toothbrushes

Choosing the best electric toothbrush for gum care


When we talk about oral health, we say “oral health,” not “tooth health” because there’s so much more to care for than just our teeth. If you notice some blood in your toothpaste after brushing, you may be experiencing early symptoms of gingivitis. If you leave gingivitis untreated, it can spread and develop into gum disease, which can have even more dire health implications. However, if you catch gingivitis early on, it’s easy to treat and prevent..


You should prioritise gum health if you notice:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Swelling or irritation after flossing
  • Blood in your toothpaste after brushing


Your dentist may also notice problems, even if you don’t spot those early warning signs and may advise better gum care. Better gum care will involve flossing every day as well as some light brushing on your gums themselves. When brushing your teeth, bring the toothbrush up onto the gums where your teeth and gums meet to take care of your whole mouth.


The Diamond Clean (DC) 9000 electric toothbrush is a great example of an electric toothbrush to help you take care of your gums. It’s designed to help you remove plaque and take care of your teeth. The DC9000 even syncs with your smart device to help you develop and maintain healthy habits. This all adds up to helping you take care of your teeth and gums.

Choosing the best electric toothbrush for whitening


Clean, white teeth are a good indicator of good oral health. White teeth can go beyond that and can be a part of your aesthetic, helping boost your confidence and improve your mental health as well as your oral health.


Common foes of white teeth are stains from food and drinks. Beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine are especially problematic and cause stains that settle on your teeth.

You should prioritise whitening if you:

  • Notice discolouration on your teeth
  • Drink a lot of tea, coffee, dark wine, or other staining beverages
  • Want more confidence in your smile


A Philips Sonicare toothbrush with a whitening head can address these issues and remove surface stains gently and effectively. For example, the DiamondClean brush head has a diamond-shaped arrangement of tightly packed bristles that help keep teeth white and can even help maintain the results of whitening treatments.


Choosing the best all-in-one electric toothbrush


Some people may not have one simple area they want to target in their oral hygiene and want to maintain overall good tooth and gum health. The DiamondClean Smart toothbrush is designed to deliver complete oral care and is perfect for anyone seeking an all-in-one electric toothbrush. The DiamondClean Smart stands out from the rest with its connected app and smart sensor suite that works to help you keep your pearly whites looking and feeling great. Click on the Premium Clean brush head to remove up to 10 times more plaque from those hard-to-reach areas, when compared to a manual toothbrush, for a totally clean mouth.


For daily oral care maintenance, brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time. And to care for your gums, use the Premium Gum Care brush head, which is designed for gentle and targeted cleaning along the gum line, maintaining your gum health. Pair the DiamondClean smart with the app on your smart device and personalise your oral hygiene for a total oral health solution.

Kid brushing

Choosing the best electric toothbrush for kids


Children have different needs when it comes to oral health. The bristles need to be a little softer, the arm a little shorter to fit into their smaller mouths, and the handle a little smaller to fit into their hands. The Philips Sonicare For Kids Sonic Electric Toothbrush is specifically designed to help kids develop positive oral hygiene habits and maintain proper oral health. The Bluetooth-enabled toothbrush connects with a fun app on your smart device to keep kids entertained while brushing their teeth. Plus, the app helps them learn about oral care and helps children brush their teeth all on their own.

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