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With technology revolutionizing nearly every aspect of our lives, it would seem that a variety of tech solutions, applied individually or in combination, could significantly enable healthy aging in older adults. For example, caregiver support technology exists to help manage medication, connect with service providers, coordinate communication, and more.


However, results from a newly released study from the Global Social Enterprise Initiative (GSEI) at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and Philips show non-professional caregivers are unintentional barriers to technology adoption and usage by older adults in their care – even though they acknowledge it can be an important way of enriching the care recipient’s life.


Among other findings, the study revealed it is not the caregiver’s lack of desire or ability that prevents them from introducing new technology to their care recipients, but are rather so overwhelmed with the day-to-day care responsibilities that they don't seem to have the time or patience to teach their loved one about how to use technology for seniors.

75% of non-professional caregivers think teaching tech to seniors would be fun and 66% of care recipients are ready to learn


Source: Aging Well: Family Matters in Caregiving and Tech Adoption

Caregiving and Technology Press Release

Our aging research shows caregivers already spend an average of 66 hours per month on basic home health care activities, and are so focused on their role as guardian for the care recipient that meeting basic needs for personal hygiene, food, safety, health, etc. all come before technology.



Read the press release

Caregiving and technology report

The results of the Philips/GSEI study and caregivers use of technology with care recipients were discussed in an expert roundtable at Georgetown University in April 2015. Meeting participants included thought leaders with expertise in aging, caregiving, health care, consumer behavior, product innovation, policy.


Download the report

Caregivers are key to engagement and adoption

While non-professional caregivers realize technology for seniors can enrich the lives of older adults in their care, many of these caregivers are the unintentional barrier to the actual technology’s adoption. See what they had to say about technology and caregiving.


Download the full infographic

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About the Aging Well initiative

Through a collaborative partnership and joint research, Philips and the Global Social Enterprise Initiative (GSEI) at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business conducted a multi-year, three-part study on aging. Experts and industry leaders came together to examine the results and explore solutions to help people age at home, or age in place, for as long as possible.

2015 Roundtable attendees

Terry Bradwell, Executive Vice President & Chief Information Officer, AARP

Alan Brightman, Vice President & Research Fellow, Yahoo! Labs

Denise Brown, Founder,

Mary Lee Chamberlain, Occupational Therapist, Roobrik

Deb Citrin, Senior Director, Strategy and Business Development, Philips Home Monitoring, Philips

Meryl Comer, President and CEO, Geoffrey Beene Foundation Alzheimer's Initiative

Judy Conaway, Founder & Head of Content, Roobrik

David Creal, Vice President of Franchise Support, Right at Home

Jodi Daniel, Director, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Jon Dauphine, Senior Vice President, Education and Outreach, AARP

Scott Dingfield, Chief Innovation Officer, Home Instead Senior Care

Jim Driscoll, Strategy Consultant, Epitome Group

Ken Fang, CEO, Mobomo

Jody Gastfriend, Vice President, Senior Care,

Carrie Gladstone, Assistant Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Advancement office, Georgetown University

Jennie Chin Hansen, Recent CEO, American Geriatrics Society

Drew Holzapfel, Managing Director, High Lantern Group

Gail Hunt, Executive Director, National Alliance for Caregiving

Kathleen Kelly, Executive Director, Family Caregiver Alliance

Jacquelyn Kung, Expert/Consultant, Co-Founder, ClearCare

Zachary Lamm, Senior Lead, Research and Narratology, Epitome Group

Carol Levine, Director, Families and Health Care Project, United Hospital Fund

David Lindeman, Director, Center for Aging and Technology, University of California Center for Information Technology

Liddy Manson, President, BeClose

Ladan Manteghi, Executive Director, Global Social Enterprise Initiative, Georgetown University

Kenneth Matos, Senior Director, Employment Research & Practice, Families & Work Institute

Bill Novelli, Founder, Global Social Enterprise Initiative & Professor of Practice, Georgetown University

Kimberly O’Loughlin, General Manager of Philips Home Monitoring, Philips

Ashley Predith, Assistant Executive Director, President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology, Executive Office of the President

Lou Pugliese, President, EvolvED Global

John Schall, CEO, Caregiver Action Network

Palak Shah, Social Innovations Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance

David Shoultz, Senior Director, Federal Government Relations and Policy, Philips

Mark Stephenson, Head of Brand Communications and Digital for North America, Philips

Art Stevens, Director of Social Innovation Projects, PayPal

Paul Tang, Internist and Vice President, Chief Innovation and Technology Officer, Palo Alto Medical Foundation

Ed Van Siclen, Vice President, Business Development, ClearCare

C. Grace Whiting, Director, Communications and Coalitions, National Alliance for Caregiving

Kamili Wilson, Vice President, Isolation Impact Strategies, AARP

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